I worked on creating FILMY FANTASY with Peter Frankland.. We were able to secure films from my dad who was an executive for AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL motion pictures.. The toughest thing about producing the shows were:
Securing the movie theatre.. Because the owner of the theatre needed a guarantee for such a late night show.
Showing up on time to put it on..because in those days midnight was when things were just getting started.
I had already produced some shows for STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY, that included live bands, and such, so organizing that end of things was easy. Getting the people to show up was no problem. Finding old time movies and cartoons like Betty Boop as well as some Canadian Film Board sources along with my dad was no problem. It was truly just showing up at the theatre for the show, and after about 4 of these productions it became a burden. And so I turned to Butch Upham, a concert promoter and club owner of United Fruit Company) He took over the project and instead turned his efforts into producing concerts for KPRI, which in the long run was better for all of us. Butch, Morgan and I turned my Guy Street house into a downside version of the Helix House. And the rest is and was and will be history.